
Important Update(s)

Based on what I’ve discovered during my planning, it’s evident that there are very few topics left to cover out of the essentials for the Photoshop Certification Test. At this point in time, it’s better to have everyone practice the skills consistently to strengthen them until they become second nature. As such, the remaining exercises for each week will consist of various activities designed to bolster the skills we’ve already covered. This should be seen as a practical review of sorts, and no one should be unable to complete these assignments if you’ve been doing all the previous work.

Some students, based on their documented individual needs that have either been discussed with me or imparted upon me in some other way will be getting alternative assignments to practice skills that are still relevant to the class and the goal, albeit in a different way.

  • The class syllabus is currently being updated on a regular basis, again! Everything should be up to date as of this moment. 😊 (2024-11-13)
  • All of our assignments will be geared towards the certification tests at the end of the year for a while.
  • If you have any suggestions for custom assignments you would like to see in the future, let me know before Q3 (Jan. 6).
  • Quizzes will resume Friday, Nov. 15.

    DA I Students

  • Supplementary Assignment (5th Period): Create a realistic plan for a business, complete with explanation of the possible pros and cons you may face when establishing that business. Choose from the following list of topics.
    • Web Design
    • Graphic Design
    • Freelance Illustration
    • Print on Demand (POD) Sales
    • Art Media (Tutorials and Entertainment)

    DA II Students

  • No class-specific announcements at this time.
  • DA III Students

  • Supplementary Assignment (5th Period): Create a realistic plan for a business, complete with explanation of the possible pros and cons you may face when establishing that business. Choose from the following list of topics.
    • Web Design
    • Graphic Design
    • Freelance Illustration
    • Print on Demand (POD) Sales
    • Art Media (Tutorials and Entertainment)

The syllabus section is currently not up to date with the info necessary for the class. Up to date assignment info can be found in PowerSchool in the meantime.

Quarterly Grade Break Down

Students in grades 9 - 12, per MSCS standards, are required to have a minimum of 17 grades per quarter, broken down as follows:

Type Min. Amount Grade Weight (%)
Assessments 4 40%
Classwork 4 35%
Homework 4 10%
Projects 1 10%
Class Participation 4 5%

All assignments can be found in the dropdown menus below. This may, or may not, be changed in the future to reflect each individual class's assignments in a manner that's more digestible. For now, click the buttons below for whichever week's assignments you need. Whenever this is not currently up to date. Check PowerSchool for more accurate assignment info.

Class Assignment Due Date
Digital Arts 1 (1st and 5th Period)
  • Pick a video from this playlist that's relative to your skill level, or any drawing tutorial of your own choosing, to complete a drawing.
  • During or after the video, make note of what's the same, similar, and different from what we've learned in class.
    • I do, indeed, intend for you to write these down.
  • Come up with at least 2 questions you want answers for as it pertains to the elaboration of information contained in the video. For example, if the person uses a phrase or technique that you don't fully understand and you want to know more about how to utilize the info, write some questions about that and turn them in alongside whatever you drew.
Same day assignment. I'll be looking for them when I return.
Digital Arts 2 & 3 (Periods 2, 3, and 4)
  • Create an account at
    • The main thing you need to make sure of is when it asks you what test you're working toward, you choose the one related to Adobe Certified Professional. If it doesn't say that, it will say something similar as an option.
    • It will ask you some demographic questions. Make sure you capitalize the first letter of your first and last names, as your certificates will show whatever you put in exactly as you typed it. You want it to look professional.
    • It will ask for things like your address and other personally identifying information. If you cannot create it on your own in class, wait and do so at home with the help of your parent(s) or guardian(s). Make sure they understand it is for class, and the industry certification you will earn is usable to find employment in the future.
  • Afterward, do the same as it says for Digital Arts 1 in the upper row of work here. There's never enough practice to be done.
Same day assignment. I'll be looking for them when I return.

This section is currently being repopulated with material relevant to the current quarter. Please remain on standby for the new material that will be given here as it is made available.

Click the button(s) below to reveal the resources within.

Class Folder Links

These folders cannot be accessed without signing into your Microsoft student account for MSCS. Remember the structure for the student email is (replace # with your student ID)
  • Color Tutorial File
  • Marc Brunet Video Tutorial Questions
    • These questions can be answered digitally or on a sheet of paper. If done digitally, upload the file to your class folder for grading.
  • Marc Brunet 4 Layer Coloring Method (Video)
  • Adobe Install Instructions

    While I am currently creating videos for the assignments, it's safer to seek out either the written instructions or simply research what you need to know on your own time. It's better that you all learn to obtain the info through your own effort than to continually rely on others in the future.

    I say this out of genuine concern. Excessive dependence on other people can lead to you being manipulated by others more easily. Just some friendly life advice.